10 Reasons Homeschoolers Rock at College and Adulthood
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10 Reasons Homeschoolers Rock at College and Adulthood

10 Reasons Homeschoolers Rock at College and Adulthood There are many reasons why homeschoolers succeed so well in college and in life. This article covers 10 of them. In spite of the many reasons homeschoolers tend to be successful, we’ve all heard the stereotypes about homeschoolers. You know, the assumptions people make when they find…

Career? Your Guide to Exploring Yourself, Understanding College, and Choosing a Career
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A Book Fit for Student Career Exploration

Career decision making is one of the greatest developmental challenges that people face. In my own career as a counseling psychologist, I’ve served the students of four universities, facilitating their academic, social, emotional, and vocational growth. I’ve seen countless students struggle with the questions “Which career will I pursue?” and “What will be my major…