Blaze New Trails - Purposeful Natural Learning

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Blaze New Trails - Purposeful Natural Learning

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Blaze New Trails is a comprehensive guide using nature and your community to connect life with learning. Includes nine unit studies in a ready to use format, practical tips and ideas along with encouragement for mom. Holly weaves history, science, literature, family stories and resources in this creative approach to lifestyle learning. This book serves as a complete science for the younger years and activities for families to enjoy for years to come. The Student Companion is designed for children in grades 3 thru 8 to use as a complete science curriculum for one year making Blaze the teacher book. The Companion is filled with lapbooking, notebooking, art, extended hands on projects in all subject areas, yet the focus is science based.

The Giles Frontier

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I discovered this curriculum at the homeschool convention. I really wanted to get my kids out and into nature but not necessarily and outdoor person myself I had no idea how or where to begin. As soon as I began flipping through pages I knew that Blaze New Trails was different than anything else I have looked at. Holly outlines various nature themes and gives you ideas as well as the resources you need - if she tells you to watercolor there is a sheet of watercolor paper in the guide to use. She gives anecdotes about parks and history local to her but it is set up so it can be taken and used anywhere you are. You also do not need to go in order, you can choose the sections as they fit with the season you are in. We started ours last week and the kids are in love and so am I! If you are looking for a great and easy to use nature based curriculum this is it!
Grade levels used
  • preK
  • 2
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I wanted to get the kids out of the house and into nature but had no idea how to facilitate it. I came across Blaze New Trails at the homeschool convention and was floored by how fantastic it was!

It gives the blueprint to lead your child through nature studies and more while being open enough to customize to your area- state parks or your own backyard. If you are searching for a great nature based study this is the best!
Grade levels used
  • K
  • 3
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Everything you need to take time outdoors to a more intentional yet fun level! Kids are naturally curious and learn best when they ask why....Heres all you need to get them thinking and asking all the right questions so they can learn about the natural world outside your home! Combined with a trip to the library for some of the terrific books listed in each section and you can create an entire unit complete with history, literature, math, science, art, poetry and whatever else you get inspired to learn!
Grade levels used
  • 1
  • 4
  • 8
so simple to use and tailor to fit your kids, their interests and abilities.
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Blaze New Trails is an excellent tool to use that encourages even the "outdoor inexperienced" mom to take part of the learning outdoors. It is beautifully written, organized and very easy to use!
Grade levels used
  • preK
  • 4
  • 6
Great for multiple ages!
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I absolutely love Blazing New Trails with Holly's well planned adventures! Many of the activities we were enjoying anyway, such as gardening, backyard butterfly, parks, beaches, birds, and more- but having Holly's simple to use curriculum full of color, poetry and work pages has really enhanced many of our on the go and homeschool away from home experiences!

Do your family a favor and get outside more, and let Holly guide you!

Jen from :)
Grade levels used
  • 2
  • 7
beautifully assembled and simple to follow
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Blaze New Trails makes it easy for families with multi-aged learners to take learning outdoors where children can explore, discover and ask questions. I appreciate the non-fiction and literature recommendations as well as the wide range of extended activities Holly includes in each chapter. A unique curriculum with intentionality and purpose, wrapped up in versatility.
Grade levels used
  • preK
  • K
  • 2
  • 4
  • 6
Ease of use, comprehensive background information on local and state parks
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I highly recommend Blaze New Trails.
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I love the fact that I can pull a nature lesson together so quickly by going to any of her books. Just this morning we were watching a cardinal build a nest outside of our window and I pulled out the Blaze New Trails Student Companion so we could make a science lesson out of our observations! It was so effortless and my son loved it!
Grade levels used
This guide is a great way to jump right into homeschooling outdoors!
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I would highly recommend anything Holly produces!
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As a newer Mom to homeschooling Holly's Blaze New Trails guide was a breath of fresh air amongst all the textbook curriculum out there. We were taking a trip to San Diego to visit my parents and we were able to just take this book and do the beaches unit study. We spent a week at Blue Springs Park and really made use of everything in the State and Local Parks. The tips in the Nature Study chapter were easy to follow and all of my children were delighted to learn.
What I love about the Guide is this is something that we can come back to and do again, and I will be able to use with my younger children when they get a little older. So it's not a one-time use. Thank you Holly for bringing the study of Nature and opening our eyes to all Florida and other areas have to offer!
Grade levels used
  • preK
  • K
  • 3
  • 5
All in one Curriculum covering many subjects.
If you don't like to get out of the house, this probably isn't for you.
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I love how I can flip to a certain category and find an activity or worksheet to pair with our experience. It's so simple and it turns an outing, field trip or even a trip to the playground into an educational experience!
Grade levels used
  • preK
  • K
  • 1
Hands on learning experiences that get you out and about and enjoying God's creation. She makes things so easy and give you practical ideas to bring your education outside.
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I highly recommend this for anyone that loves nature and exploring our world. Even if you're not a nature lover, Holly's book will turn you into one! Her real life experiences and stories make this book enjoyable and one that all moms can relate to!
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