“I Can Clean My Room by Myself” Chart with FREE Printable
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“I Can Clean My Room by Myself” Chart with FREE Printable

It hasn’t always been common knowledge that toddlers and preschoolers are capable of successfully performing tasks to help keep the house clean. But now, as a society, we are finally catching up a bit more with wonderful teaching methods like The Montessori Method, and we are starting to help our children get on the right…

I Kissed Chore Charts Goodbye

I Kissed Chore Charts Goodbye

Chore charts.  Oh how I loved them!  They spell organization!  They say, “We’re a well-oiled home!”  And the options are endless!  Laminated and colorful.  Structured and trendy.  Chalkboards.  Pegboards.  Fridge magnets. Interchangeable pictures for the non-reading kiddies.  Rewards and incentives! I plotted.  I planned.  I executed.  And then I failed.  Again and again.  You see,…

Dish Dish Your Family Cookbook

Dish Dish – Homeschool Mom’s Recipe Organizing Online Cookbook

Being a homeschool mom is a daily adventure, is it not? There is always another interesting experience for the family just around the corner, whether while teaching, running errands, doing laundry or chores, playing with friends or cooking dinner. Sometimes the bustle can make it difficult to stay on top of simple things like dinner…