Lessons from a Mother’s Heart

Lessons from a Mother’s Heart

Lessons from a Mother’s Heart [mks_pullquote align=”left” width=”800″ size=”18″ bg_color=”#845e96″ txt_color=”#ffffff”]”A mother’s heart is the child’s classroom.” Henry Ward Beecher[/mks_pullquote]   Families choose to homeschool for a variety of reasons, and our family is no different. One of our reasons to homeschool was our desire to teach our children from a biblical worldview. Let’s face…


Martha Syndrome

Lately I have been feeling a familiar “syndrome” trying to resurface in my life. I like to refer to it as the “Martha Syndrome.” It is something that I see in my life when I allow my time to be consumed by things other than the one thing that is needful. Syndrome, as defined by…

Mom's influence

Mom’s Influence

There’s a saying I’ve heard all my life: If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. I can remember my mom getting in a funk from time to time when I was young . . . sure enough, I felt down and unsettled myself any time she wasn’t happy and content.  Lately, I’ve come to realize…

Life Changes
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Life Changes

I looked anxiously around the bus terminal, eyeing every entrance.  Would he show up for one final goodbye?  Part of me wanted a scene a la Bogart/Bacall, the one with the long looks and the even longer embraces.  I had told him of my plans to relocate and although he was not exactly thrilled, he…

A New Day

A New Day

A New Year … and it’s a whole long year ahead.  A year is made up of single days.  We receive them as a gift, just one of them at a time.  Delightfully packaged in this world created just for us.  The Bible tells us in Matthew, . “Take therefore no thought for the morrow,…