Math My Kid Loves

Math My Kid Loves

Math My Kid Loves  We’ve been homeschooling for just over 5 years. Over the 5 years we’ve been homeschooling, we’ve worked hard to work out oodles of kinks! In the process, we have become a fairly eclectic set of homeschoolers We’ve worked out oodles of our kinks and, in the process, learned we’re a fairly…

Take the Stress Out of Math for All Ages and Grade Levels
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Take the Stress Out of Math for All Ages and Grade Levels

Math. Most people either love it or…well…don’t love it. 😉 But it’s a necessary subject, and it’s one most students can learn to love if you find the right curriculum. Math was my best subject in school, and it’s been very difficult teaching it to my teenage daughter since it’s a subject she doesn’t love…

Free Printable Thanksgiving Math Game
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Free Printable Thanksgiving Math Game

Free Printable Thanksgiving Math Game (for Multiple Ages) “Mom, I want some fun math games, too!” That was the request my fourth grade daughter had recently. While she’s knee-deep in fractions, my first grader is still learning basic math facts. He plays a lot of math games to help him learn them, and big sis…

Does your child need to learn math fast? Take a look at this review/giveaway about a curriculum that can help your child catch up.
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Moms Like You Share Their Opinions of Learn Math Fast

“I thought my daughter was never going to understand math!” my friend said. Math just didn’t make sense to her daughter at all. When she’d been about 8 years old, she’d finally started to understand the simplest math concepts. As the years went by and she became a tween and then a teen, she never…

Homeschooling Ideas for Toddlers
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Homeschooling Ideas for Toddlers

Toddlers are so much fun! They are active, curious, affectionate, and just plain fun! And while we don’t recommend spending much sit-down-at-a-desk learning time for toddlers, it’s still a great time to start teaching your little ones since toddlers are naturally curious and ready to learn and explore. If you’d like some great homeschooling ideas for…