Learn Everything About Airplanes {Free Printable List}
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Learn Everything About Airplanes {Free Printable List}

August 19th is Aviation Day. We are so excited to bring you a cool post on our visit to USS Midway in San Diego as well as some ideas and books to read. You can use this information for Aviation Day or anytime! Learn everything about airplanes! It’ll be grand! Learn Everything About Airplanes Have…

Exploring the World with Google Earth
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Exploring the World with Google Earth

Have you ever dreamed of traveling the world with your family? Where would you go? What would you see?   “Oh, the places you’ll go!” –Dr. Seuss With today’s satellite technology, you can travel across the world effortlessly (and cheaply!) with your computer or mobile device. One vast educational tool that you can use is…

Intelliglobe Deluxe Review
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Intelliglobe Deluxe Review

We absolutely love our Intelliglobe Deluxe! My children (ages 18, 16, and 11) have always been very interested in maps, globes, and atlases. They enjoy looking at the continents and oceans as well as looking for particular countries, waterways, and other landmarks. They were so very excited when we received our globe that they could…