How to Make Corn Husk Dolls (with Free Printable Instructions)
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How to Make Corn Husk Dolls (with Free Printable Instructions)

Corn husk dolls are one of the earliest known play items in the Americas. Native American children played with them long before the first pilgrims arrived on these shores. When early American colonists settled here, the Native Americans helped them survive by introducing them to corn and its many uses.  Among these uses, colonial children…

homeschool writing curriculum - boy writing on notebook
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Choosing a Great Homeschool Writing Curriculum

Writing can be intimidating, both teaching it and practicing it (as in, actually doing the writing). Lots of questions probably float through your mind as you try to decide on a homeschool writing curriculum. As a creative writer, I believe one of the most important parts of teaching the subject to my kids involves inspiring…

history curriculum - teen girl looking at armor
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Massive List of Homeschool High School History Curriculum Options

One of the benefits of homeschooling high school (or homeschooling in general) for that matter, is the freedom to choose what and how your children will learn something. One of the ways to teach a subject is through a given curriculum. Through our years of homeschooling, I have come across many homeschool high school history…