Hip Homeschool Hop & Featured Blogger 6/18/13 – Homeschooling a Child with Down Syndrome
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Hip Homeschool Hop & Featured Blogger 6/18/13 – Homeschooling a Child with Down Syndrome

Thank you for joining us today!   Looking for homeschool supplies/books at a great price? Have something you’re not using and would like to sell? Visit our Hip List! And now, a few words from our Featured Blogger….. I remember the first time I started to think that I could teach my daughter at home. We…

Unpopular Choice

The Unpopular Choice

My decision to homeschool was not an easy one for me. I’m a single mom. I’m a graduate student. I don’t work. And my oldest son has Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), ADHD, and he’s gifted. Clearly I’ve got a lot on my plate. When I first mentioned that I wanted to homeschool my boys I…