A Tool for Teaching Financial Literacy
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A Tool for Teaching Financial Literacy

If you’re like me, you want to teach your children about managing finances before they leave home. My husband and I made so many financial mistakes early in our marriage—mistakes that we might have known not to make with some training ahead of time. Back then, though, (We’ve been married for 22 years.) there wasn’t…

Career? Your Guide to Exploring Yourself, Understanding College, and Choosing a Career
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A Book Fit for Student Career Exploration

Career decision making is one of the greatest developmental challenges that people face. In my own career as a counseling psychologist, I’ve served the students of four universities, facilitating their academic, social, emotional, and vocational growth. I’ve seen countless students struggle with the questions “Which career will I pursue?” and “What will be my major…

Kidcoder & Teen Coder Windows Programming Review
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Kidcoder & Teen Coder Windows Programming Review

At the beginning of June we brought you our Preliminary Reviews of Kidcoder & Teen Coder- Windows Programming. We are pleased to be back to give your our final reviews as well as a giveaway from the company! The folks over at Homeschool Programming Inc. are offering up for giveaway a first-semester title (Windows Programming)…