What Is Your Child’s Learning Style?
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What Is Your Child’s Learning Style?

Are you a new homeschool family? Or maybe you’re considering homeschooling but aren’t exactly sure how to get started. Starting to homeschool can seem like a huge and scary ordeal, but it doesn’t have to be! One of the most important things you’ll do as a homeschooling family is choose the curriculum you’ll use. There…

old books
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Remembering Harper Lee: 5 Lessons from Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird

Four years ago, the world lost literary legend, Harper Lee.  In 1960, Lee became instantly famous for her Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, To Kill a Mockingbird: a tale about friendship, racism, justice, and growing up in a sleepy Alabama town in the 1930s.  A native of Monroeville, AL, Harper Lee was a quiet, private woman who…

Does your child need to learn math fast? Take a look at this review/giveaway about a curriculum that can help your child catch up.
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Moms Like You Share Their Opinions of Learn Math Fast

“I thought my daughter was never going to understand math!” my friend said. Math just didn’t make sense to her daughter at all. When she’d been about 8 years old, she’d finally started to understand the simplest math concepts. As the years went by and she became a tween and then a teen, she never…

10 Reasons to Keep a Nature Journal
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10 Reasons to Keep a Nature Journal

Reasons to Keep a Nature Journal There are so many wonderful reasons to keep a nature journal!! I will discuss a few of them here with you, and I hope you’ll share some of your favorite reasons with us in the comments too! You may not consider yourself or your children particularly artistic. Or you…

American Revolution Activities for Kids
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American Revolution Activities for Kids

If you’d like a fun and easy freestyle unit study to do with your children this summer, this is it! Around Independence Day is a great time to learn about the American Revolution, but of course you can study it any time that works into your schedule. This is so easy (All you need are…

Creating a Masterpiece is a great homeschool art curriculum!
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An Easy Way to Include Art in Your Homeschool

It can be hard to get the basic subjects done each day in our homeschools! I’ve been homeschooling for 19 years, and I think every single year I feel like I’ve left out something important. Art is one of those subjects. And I know I’m not the only one! I’ve heard from so many moms…

Homeschool Curriculum Based on Learning Style
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Homeschool Curriculum Based on Learning Style

Homeschooling can be so much easier and so much more fun when we’re able to choose the right curriculum for our students! Years ago there wasn’t much available to homeschoolers as far as curriculum. We had to do the best we could with what was available. Now the opposite is true! There’s so much available…

Homeschool Curriculum for Visual Learners
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Homeschool Curriculum for Visual Learners

We’ve talked previously about determining your child’s learning style to help narrow down your options for curriculum. There are so many options available these days that it can be difficult to choose! This article addresses the visual learning style and suggests curriculum options that might be a good fit for your visual learner(s). Children who are…