Comments on: Is Your Child Ready to Learn to Read? These 10 Tips Can Help You Find Out! Hip Homeschool Moms. A Vibrant Community for Homeschooling Families. Fri, 18 Aug 2017 16:31:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matt Wed, 09 Sep 2015 12:02:40 +0000 Nice piece! As an early educator (Family childcare Provider) this is right on the mark.
My mantra has long been, as I read in your piece, “Trust children to succeed (they came wired to!); provide the environments in which they can.” Don’t force it, reduce the stress (as a parent I find it difficult to “eliminate” it) and enjoy the PROCESS. Children are born to succeed – brain development research supports this.

By: Meeghan Mousaw Wed, 18 Sep 2013 01:12:45 +0000 Thanks for the great article! A free reading readiness test can be found at Sight and Sound Reading:

By: Wendy Tue, 23 Jul 2013 02:54:19 +0000 In reply to Jennifer.

I’m so glad to have helped you, Jennifer! I think we get the idea that kids “need” to learn to read at age 5 because that’s what school systems do, but I’ve seen many many little boys (and some girls too, of course) who aren’t ready until they are several years older. In the mean time, read to him and let him look at the pictures and enjoy the books along with you. When he’s ready, he will learn to read and enjoy it! Until then, let him have fun!

By: Wendy Tue, 23 Jul 2013 02:51:24 +0000 In reply to Tiffany.

Tiffany, I’m so glad you feel better! You are very right! Have fun and allow her to get to the point where she really wants to learn to read. Let her have a good time and experience books as being fun. When she’s ready, she will “get it.” I know a young girl who was 10 or 11 when she learned to read, but now she loves it and is a great reader! Hang in there! It’s not always easy, but you will do great because you love your kids. And that’s what they need more than anything. 🙂

By: Wendy Tue, 23 Jul 2013 02:49:23 +0000 In reply to tasha.

You are very welcome! I’m glad to have encouraged you! My son was not at all interested in learning to read! Once he learned, though, he was an excellent reader. He’s 16 now, and he loves to read. I wish I had given him more time and had a more relaxed approach. I almost squelched his love of reading by pushing him too hard. Have fun and he will get there eventually!

By: Jennifer Tue, 23 Jul 2013 02:31:43 +0000 Much needed today. Thanks Wendy for the sound advice. My 5-year-old little boy is so wriggly and constantly looks at the pictures rather than the words. I always get so frustrated in trying to shift his focus to the words. These tips are a great reminder that it’s ok if he’s not ready yet!

By: Tiffany Mon, 22 Jul 2013 21:42:57 +0000 Thank you for the encouragement! I have 5 1/2 & 7 year old girls that I am working on this with & feel like a failure, especially with my 7 year old because she’s not reading yet. I get frustrated when she doesn’t “get it”. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I needed the “permission” to HAVE FUN! This is a gift to be able to teach them & I (& they) should enjoy it!

By: tasha Mon, 22 Jul 2013 11:52:28 +0000 Oh, WOW, I so needed to read this. I have eight year old twin BOYS. One reads very well. The other has no interests in learning anything in general and struggles with reading. I keep beating myself up over it and get so frustrated. As I am sure he does too.
Thanks for sharing this about reading.
