Comments on: What If Your Husband Does NOT Support Homeschooling Hip Homeschool Moms. A Vibrant Community for Homeschooling Families. Mon, 02 May 2022 21:19:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wendy Mon, 02 May 2022 21:19:22 +0000 In reply to Kathy Buskett.

Thank you for your comment! I am going to contact HSLDA and talk to them about their information related to homeschooling in Alabama. Thankfully, I have never heard anything negative about HSLDA as related to any other state. Blessings to you too! 🙂

By: Kathy Buskett Mon, 25 Apr 2022 16:05:27 +0000 Hi Wendy. This is a wonderful and informative post and I’m going to save it to send to people who are looking to homeschool.

One slight thing I would check on is your link to HSDLA. I personally live in a state where they don’t have a practicing lawyer, they changed the laws in my state (AL) in 2014 to clarify the laws and make it easier to homeschool.

HSDLA is still giving people the old information which is very confusing. They’ve been notified by many people but still haven’t changed their website. I don’t know if there’s other misinformation on their site so I would be leery of sending people there. I’m sure you didn’t know that and it was unintentional.

Please pray about it.

Blessings to you and have a great day!

By: Wendy Sat, 22 Jan 2022 16:24:05 +0000 In reply to Becky.

I’m so sorry! I can’t imagine how hard that situation must be for you! I do wish there was a way I can tell you it will work out, but unfortunately, we both know it may not be possible for you to homeschool. Would it be possible for you and your husband to see a counselor who is supportive of homeschooling? Even that might not make your situation change, but I feel like it’s worth a try.

By: Becky Sun, 16 Jan 2022 00:29:06 +0000 Thank you for this, though it has me in tears. Like another commenter, my husband often comments that I can’t homeschool when I can’t even keep the house clean (Another frustration, our house is always dusted and mopped but if a toy is on the floor then the house is “trashed”) but when he’s in a good mood he is supportive. We are closer to me being able to homeschool (paying off some debt) and now he’s decided that family vacations are more important than homeschooling and he would prefer to put them in private school (despite that being over half of my paycheck).

You’ve really struck my heart with the not -being – bitter part. I’m extremely bitter. Not only would they be in school all day but they’d need after school care until we got off work (6pm plus a 45 minute commute home), there wouldn’t even be time for homework because it would be dinner and bed.

By: Matthew Blackwood Tue, 17 Aug 2021 19:13:06 +0000 Homeschool Dad here. I was fortunate enough to learn while dating that my wife had been homeschooled, as I was, so we planned to homeschool before we were ever married 🙂 She was a high school math teacher, teaching in public school had only reinforced her desire to homeschool her own children. The encouragement you share in this article is very useful for those husbands that are on the fence or even a ways from the fence.

By: Wendy Sun, 03 May 2020 12:23:15 +0000 In reply to Ena Du Plessis.

Oh I’m so glad you took the time to come back and leave a comment to let me know what happened! This is exactly why we do what we do! I’m so happy that your homeschool is going well, too. Isn’t it wonderful when we see years of prayer and patience pay off? And I do hope you’ll continue to come to the site for encouragement and information. (We also have lots of printables on our sister site, Only Passionate Curiosity. And you can get all of our printables here on HHM and on OPC for free during this time using the discount code “coronahelp.”) I pray that God will continue to bless your family and your homeschool!

By: Ena Du Plessis Sat, 02 May 2020 14:47:30 +0000 In reply to Wendy.

Wendy… It is seven years later, and I just had to come back on here to let you know that in August last year, my husband and I finally made the decision, together, that I would start to homeschool our youngest two. So we started in the beginning of this year. (Our academic year in South Africa runs from the middle of January roughly to the end of November.) My eldest, the one who used to beg us to homeschool, is now in grade 10 (which I think is similar to your 10th grade) and is actually enjoying school.

You were so right… God’s will is always the best. I believe we did what we did, at the right time. It took many years of prayer, of research, of lying awake at night… but those years were not wasted. I have witnessed some amazing growth in each member of our family and especially in myself! My youngest two are now 12 and 9 years old respectively and thoroughly enjoying the homeschooling. I also stand amazed at how God opened the doors for us to start right at the beginning of this year, when only HE knew that three months later, schools would be closed and children forced to learn at home due to the COVID-19 crisis. My eldest is doing really well with lots of online input from her school. But I am so very very grateful that with the other two, I can simply continue doing mostly what we’ve been doing anyway.

Thank you, again, for the encouragement you gave me back then. I just had to let you know that it did, eventually, pay off!!

By: Ledy Fri, 13 Sep 2019 07:37:15 +0000 Thank you for writing this post! My husband isn’t necessarily against homeschooling. But he wants to wait a few more months and I would love to start homeschooling sooner rather than later.Although I have all my ducks in a row: curriculum ready, school calendar, daily schedule, etc. This post really convicted me to slow down and pray more and let God to his thing.

By: Wendy Thu, 12 Apr 2018 01:25:09 +0000 In reply to Bekki.

Hi Bekki! I’m happy for you to share the article with your readers! I just ask that you please share the link to the entire article and not reprint/repost the actual article on your site. 🙂 It’s fine if you want to post a sentence or two as a teaser and then post the link to the article on HHM.

By: Bekki Wed, 11 Apr 2018 19:20:07 +0000 “Don’t allow a bitter attitude to grow in your heart if he doesn’t change his mind. Homeschooling your children is a wonderful endeavor and one that I strongly believe in. It is not, however, worth causing problems in your marriage! You will “keep” your husband even after your children are grown and gone.”

I’d love to share this article with my readers…

By: Janet Wed, 27 Jul 2016 20:23:46 +0000 Hi Precious ladies! Thanks very much for your desire to be with your children and to homeschool. You are doing the right thing by just praying and having faith. I was in the same situation just a few years ago because my oldest did not meet the state’s age cutoff for public school. Our option was to either put our firstborn in private school or homeschool. My husband and I disagreed but the Lord showed us we needed to have faith and pray. Through prayer, we happened to visit a local private school where we received a detailed tour of the school and daily program and besides time to eat and play at school, we calculated that our child would have about 20 minutes at best with the teacher daily. This gave us much confidence that we could homeschool and it has been wonderful! The Lord cares for you and those children very much and it will be His pleasure to help you make a godly decision :)!
