Free Printable Thanksgiving Math Game
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Free Printable Thanksgiving Math Game

Free Printable Thanksgiving Math Game (for Multiple Ages) “Mom, I want some fun math games, too!” That was the request my fourth grade daughter had recently. While she’s knee-deep in fractions, my first grader is still learning basic math facts. He plays a lot of math games to help him learn them, and big sis…

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Review of Apologia’s Online General Science Class for Middle School

Review of Apologia’s Online General Science Class for Middle School Our son began his 8th grade year as a homeschooler this past fall. He has been homeschooled from the start, and we’ve always chosen his curriculum using an eclectic approach, mostly with the intent of catering to his strengths while moving his weaknesses forward at…

CTCMath Review

CTCMath Review

Our CTCMath review shows this curriculum is an excellent mastery approach option for homeschool families with children in kindergarten through 12th grades. We’ve been using it for both middle/high school math and early elementary math, and we’ve discovered that it works for a variety of learners in different kinds of learning situations. Our CTCMath review…